Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Well...the trips to the UK and to San Antonio have thrown my blood sugar readings completely out of whack, the last few weeks. I'm hitting 132 to 224 to 194 to 210, both before breakfast and 2 hours after dinner. When I want them to be under 130 in the morning and 180 at night.

I know that chili dog didn't help, but I needed it to be my emotional support food after getting this draft of APoS-HNH done. I guess I'll have to spend a week eating nothing but salads to regroup.

I do like the Fuji Apple salad at Panera. I just have them substitute deli turkey for its chicken. And I brought home lettuce and tomatoes for my own, along with some serious balsamic vinegar to mix with olive oil. I just don't wanna have to become a vegan. I like cheese and milk to damn much.

Okay...sensing a bit of my whine-ery attitude firing up...and I'm going to deflect some of it by reminding myself I finished another draft of the last volume of my big novel and I'm fucking proud of it. I think the ending I found works ten times better than the one I had. No matter what happens, now, I'll have honored Brendan's life as best I can.

And will make it even cleaner and more meaningful in this next pass.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Closing in...

I worked up a preliminary idea of how APoS-HNH would work out in hardcover form, and should be 298-300 pages at $32.50, like the other two. That's a lot to pay for an unknown author, but if I charge less than that I'm paying for someone to buy it.

My official date for publication is December 24th, for both the physical copy and ebook...and it actually does look as if I will achieve that. Hard to believe. Sometimes I even surprise myself.

Then the beginning of the year I'll start shifting the set into paperback at a lower price. For that, I'll need to buy new ISBNs and prep new covers. 

I went ahead and sent it off to be edited and proofed and corrected. Because I have absolutely no idea if it works or what needs to be done to improve it. My hope is this will show me the light. Next is getting it copyrighted and applying for an LCCN.

Today, I celebrated by getting some groceries then having a chili-dog at Ted's, a local chain. They have onion rings that are like crack, totally addictive. This isn't my full celebration. For that, I'm planning a filet mignon dinner at a steak house like Russell's or even driving over to Toronto to dine at Ruth's Chris. I will fucking deserve it.

All of a sudden jobs are popping up for me to assist with. Philadelphia. Outside Washington DC (a monstrous one). San Francisco. Phoenix, if I understand it right. Lots of things to keep me busy and take me away from APoS...which might be a good thing.

No need to tinker before I've got feedback.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Table of contents!!

Headed back from San Antonio and my nephew's wedding. It was lovely, even though the ceremony was outside and it was, officially, 97 degrees. Fortunately, the reception hall was nicely air conditioned. Otherwise, this cake would have melted.

I was working on posting an update on HNH at Baltimore's Airport when my flight to Buffalo started boarding. But yeah, a full table of contents with headings. And I split a couple of chapters that were too big so wound up with 36 of them.

Now at home, where it's in the 40s, at the moment. Jesus...San Antonio has always been on the hot side, but 95+ degree heat, in October? Not good.

Next comes linking the chapter headings to the ToC for it to be ready in ebook formatting. I'm not publishing it, yet. I need it to be proofed and edited, first, and doing it in this different format helps me see errors and omissions more clearly.

But here's what I've got:

Table of Contents 
Questions Unanswered 
Shadow Plans 
Déjà Vu 
First Revelations 
Chaos Defined 
Stories Told 
Chinas, Again? 
Foraging for Details 
Expanding Consciousness 
The Long Drive 
The Maze 
More Details 
Another Ghost 
On the Run 
Return to the Past of Today 
The Devil’s Own 
No More Lies 
A Question 
One Word 
Party Time 
The Final Ghost

96 degrees in the shade...

Outdoor wedding. Making sure I got some tree between me and that sun. Thinking an evening where it's only 85 is nice and pleasant. God, I do NOT miss Texas. But this is the venue, and now everyone's wed and I can go home, having done my duty.

I am happy I came. It was a nice wedding. The bride is sweet and it went off without any noticeable hitch; the venue's people made sure of that. I've never seen one run so well.

And, happily, the groom did not smash cake into the bride's face as a joke. I've always thought of that as the first step into becoming a controlling freak. I know of one bride who went out and got an annulment when the groom did that to her in direct contradiction to her expressed wishes.

I left about 7pm but did nothing on HNH because the heat wiped me out. Then tomorrow the family's meeting for lunch before I head for the airport, so won't get anything done till I'm on the plane. But that's fine. I'm on the downhill side of this book and feeling a lot more relaxed about it than I have been, all year.

Of course, it didn't hurt the DJ handling the event was gorgeous, even more-so when he was getting people into line-dancing to a particular song he'd put up.

Sunday, October 13, 2024


I dunno what's happened, but San Antonio is making me unhappy, food-wise. I went to a Taco Cabana and they couldn't serve me because their system was down. So I hit a Jack In The Box for a couple tacos...and they were out of lettuce. I wound up meeting my sister and brother at another Taco Cabana up San Pedro and had my fix of enchiladas, rice and beans...which were only okay...but it was late, and I was hungry.

And I need to remember that San Antonio drivers don't believe in road rules. No blinkers. I'm in a right lane and want to turn left so I'll cut in front of you at half the posted speed limit and won't give you any warning. And those white line dividers are there to aim your car along, thus using both lanes.

Good thing is, my flights were nice and I got a lot of formatting done on HNH. I have 34 chapters in it. I also ran Microsoft's editor over it for spelling, grammar and concise wording. Flying home, I'll set up the chapter links to the table of contents and then I'll go back through it all to see if it makes any sense and how often I repeat myself. Then it's off for editing and proofing.

I worked out my ending to where I believe it will carry the kick I want, even though it's quiet. Almost gentle. Of course, I may be fooling myself. I've done that before, which is why I'm wary of being too certain of what I've written. We'll have to see how it works for readers.

I will admit, it's hard for me to keep from getting carried away with joy at how close I am to the finish of this full novel. Needless to say, Brendan is just as pleased to nearly be done with me. We've had a rough relationship...almost like living, breathing brothers...and I'm sure he'll be as happy as I am once it's completed and we both can relax.

And I can figure out what to do next...

Friday, October 11, 2024

100,970 words

Fifth draft is done, and I worked out my ending so it's not flat. I'm brain dead, now, and flying to San Antonio, tomorrow, so need to pack. Here's the moment Brendan stops taking shit from people who claim to be on his side. It's just after his mother has finally died.


I walked away from Altnagelvin into a growling darkness. The clouds were low and threatened rain. The wind was soft but still had bite to it. There was a curfew, but my bed was the other side of the Foyle and I’d already done my last vile deed for the day. So I set off walking. 

You see, after Father Jack finished Ma’s last rites, and as Maeve and Rhuari knelt by her bedside to pray, I took him aside and quietly asked, “When do you visit with Eamonn?” 

“I’ll see to it he’s informed—” 

“When?” I snapped, cutting him off. I had no patience for his excessive words. 

 He eyed me, irritated. “They’ll let me, immediately, for something like this but—” 

“When you see him, tell him his mother said she does not want him to join in the hunger strike.” 

“I’m not going to lie to him and—” 

Again, I cut him off. “Ma told me as she lay there dying that it was a mistake. That she did not want him to be part of it, and that he should back away.” 

“Brendan, it is sin to lie about something so vital—” 

“I’m not lying,” and it was an effort for me to keep my voice low enough so the others couldn’t hear. “You will tell him that it is his mother’s dying wish that he not do this.” 

He gave a sharp sigh. “You’re concerned over nothing. He’s only in the queue, and not even in the top twelve on the list, so—” 

“Tell him, anyway.” And I forced each word out like a near hiss. 

He gave his cool, condescending look then started to move away. “We’ll see.” 

I grabbed him by the arm and said, “Father Jack, do as I say or I will destroy you and everything people believe about you.” And I knew the second part of my threat was all he truly cared about. 

He spun on me, furious, and growled, “You have the nerve to say that to me? A man of God who—?” 

I nearly spat out, “How’s Father Demian doing?” 


“I hear he was shot. Not killed, merely castrated by a couple bullets. Some would say justice was served.” 

The look on his face became one of the purest anger. “What does he have to do with this?” 

“Right, I should refer to him by Danny Gallagher’s pet name, Father Devil. I know what he did to Danny, and God knows how many other lads he could get his hands on.” 

He barely kept himself in control, his voice a low vicious growl. “You are referencing something about which you know nothing!” And suddenly I noticed his light brogue was damn near non-existent. 

I smiled. “I also hear you were instrumental in getting him transferred to Nottingham. How many kids did he molest there?” 

The anger in his face shifted to sharp wariness. 

I went in for the kill. “That’s quite a little game you priests have—do something wrong and all you get is moved to another parish where you can start fresh and new, once again a man of God with no one knowing the better till you do wrong, again. It wouldn’t take much to reveal Father Devil’s evil, and how many times he’s been moved, and how neatly the church has kept it hidden. And all because you won’t give my brother a message from his dying mother. Is that the right thing to do, Father Jack? Where’s that milk of human kindness you so love to talk about?” 

He stepped back from me. Leaned himself against the wall, for support. Licked his lips a couple of times. He was trying desperately to figure some way around my brutally blunt threats. I kept my focus on him, as hard and cold as I could, but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Maeve looking at us, a frown on her worn face. She’d be over in a minute and I wanted this settled before she got to us. 

Father Jack took in a deep breath and whispered, “What makes you think he’ll believe me?” 

“Because he wants to,” I snarled back. “And I mean it—if Eamonn joins with the strikers and he dies, I will send your soul to hell on earth. Do you understand me?” 

He straightened himself and looked me up and down, his mask back on. “You’ve become quite an evil man, Brendan Kinsella.” 

“I learned from the best.” 

Disdain flashed across his eyes. “And to think I thought you the weak one.” 

I had to laugh at that. “This is how strength operates?”

Thursday, October 10, 2024

So close...

I will be done with this draft, tomorrow. I have one chapter to write, linking two sections together, and then this draft will be complete. As of now, it's over 98,000 words. And rolls along.

I'm not happy with the ending, just yet. I don't think it achieves the emotional wallop that I want. It's just a bit too quiet. Initially, I had Brendan becoming a killer...but while that would have been a massive shock, it was wrong for his character. He would never do that, no matter what. He knows the futility of it.

What I've substituted it with, however, is quiet to the point of nearly invisible. I need to think it through, more carefully. More consistently. Link it with everything else, more completely.

Well, this volume is getting at least two more drafts. But I think it's structured in the right direction. I can think of a couple things that need to be added, but overall it's a lot closer to Brendan's story than the previous drafts.

Saturday I'm heading down to San Antonio for my nephew's wedding. I was supposed to fly down, today, but I'd have been changing planes in Tampa. That was not going to happen, thanks to Milton, so I fixed it. What the heck...changing it like this save me some money and let me get in a position to finish HNH.

That's a good trade-off.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Still fighting self-doubt...

I got so focused on writing, today, I worked myself into a tension headache. I've got a heating pad on my neck and shoulders, at the moment, and that's helping some...and I'm going to take a double dose of Advil. 

What's good is, I've only got about 160 pages left to rewrite and and one more chapter to develop, and I'll be done with this draft. It'll still need work, but it's a lot closer to what it needs to be.

Looks like It will be up over 100,000 words, which is good. The first two were over 140,000 words, each. Depends on how the new ending works. And if the bit between Brendan and a ghost isn't too far off the beam. It figures in, later, but I'm not sure I've got it working right, yet.

I ran into a short period where I wondered if I had any idea of what I was doing with this part of the story. Which segued into wondering about the entire book. I have books on the Maze prison that tell a lot about it but not details I really need. Like what the visitation room looked like. Or where actual parking was upon arrival to the main gate.

I played around with in in a way I hope will be okay, but I honestly don't know. So far, the best method I've found of dealing with details like that...aspects of the society and rules and by keeping it tightly focused on Brendan, who doesn't pay much attention to such things.

His descriptions are basic and broad, unless it's directly affecting him. Sometimes he's caught in the beauty of the moment and grows a bit poetic, but it's not extreme. At least, I don't think it is.

He's coming across as a bit autistic, but low on the spectrum. Awkward socially and easily focused on fixing things, he gets truly obsessed with the minutia of it. Which works into his friends knowing even though he's been told not to try and find Joanna and refusing to help him locate her, he will focus on doing so, anyway. Won't let it go.

And it will lead to the ending that I think will work best...hope will...who knows...

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Still advancing...

I got another chapter written for HNH, where Brendan is taken to visit his brother Eamonn, in the Maze Prison. It's not long, just 7 pages, right now, and I'm guessing on a couple of aspects of how they'd meet with him in the place...but it feels right. So far.

I'm nervous that this part of the story is becoming an advertisement for Marlboro cigarettes, but it's what Brendan smokes and he's finding they help break the ice with the soldiers at checkpoints and guards at the Maze. They're available in Derry, but cost close to twice as much as things like Gallagher Blues, which Brendan used to smoke, so only the better-off people can afford them.

He's finding out there's a lot of contradiction in the information he's been pulling together about his family. He's always assumed they were all born and raised in Derry, but if his parents lived in Belfast till mid-1951, then both Eamonn junior and Mairead would have been born there. And he's got two names for his father -- Eamonn Kinsella and Edward Gorman. He needs to sort that out. Not sure about this...but it does add to his confusion.

I've cut a great deal, as well. The long, painful reunification with Joanna is gone, as is the moment she turns on him. And the lead-up to him being arrested by the RUC is shifted to a more believable place--the Peoples Wall down Fahan from Guildhall. It's a one-way now but I think it was both directions back in 1981. I'd better verify that.

Oh, I still have much to do for this...but it's getting there. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

I should quit more often...

Home Not Home is coming together, despite my best efforts. I've done a blunt but quiet conversation between Brendan and Father Jack as they drive to visit with Eamonn. I already have part of that meeting written; just none of the details filled in, yet. But it will also be quiet.

It's funny...but the story is aiming to have a quiet ending. I have one written that is shocking...and dramatic...and bloody. One with a horrible catharsis. Very meaningful and painful and all that gloriously melodramatic nonsense...and it's dissolving before my very eyes. Brendan doesn't like it, saying, That would not be me. Never me.

I'm still in the early understanding of this new direction. No symbolism acceptable. At least, nothing overt and obvious. Just...something simple and human.

My giving up on finishing the story within my timeframe must have jolted some aspect of my connection to it, so that I could finally see how artificial my initial ending was. I don't want to discuss what it was, just now. not until I know this is the correct way to go.

But really fucking jolted me. I went quiet, myself, at the first thought of it. Soft and silent and afraid of it. And that is what gives it some legitimacy with me. The fear of it. No death and destruction at the end. Just...silence.

Just as the world is always, truly, silent in the face of man's horrors.