A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I passed 99K in words on POS and am feeling good...always a danger sign, but I don't care. The story's speeding up, now and I'm along for the ride, whether I want to be or not. I honestly don't know if this stuff I'm adding is going to work in the grand scheme of the story since I want it as real as I can get it and some of it's a bit too close to Hollywood stuff. But it's a foundation from which to build and I'm not going to stop it now to edit out the silly parts.

We had Houston-style rain in Buffalo, today. Stifling and still, with the humidity pressing in on you until a downpour began, firing straight down like it we a monsoon without the winds. I saw a rabbit out in it for a bit. a scrawny little hare with that gray-brown fur and eyes circled in white, giving it a startled and yet mournful look. Apparently this is a normal occurrence in the area...in the city -- rabbits as the local rodents. Wild.

Y'know, I'm brain dead...so let's share something from the new world in the old world. Here's Shanghai spaced over 20 years. Consider this -- when Steven Spielberg shot "Empire of the Sun" in 1987, the curve in the river looked exactly like it had in 1941 so he needed nothing in the way of special effects shots to age up the city. The bottom picture is just 23 years later and you're reminded of "Blade Runner." Creepy.

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