A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Almmost back to normal

Everything is correct on Amazon except for the paperback edition of volume one of RIHC6.  That's still not listed.  The publisher knows and is working on it.  I guess I'll wait till he's done his thing before I say anything more.

I also got the cover art from them for BC-3 --
They sent it to me, today, with a note that if I really wanted something like the mock-up I'd sent them, yesterday, they'd have to have it done special and would delay the publishing of the book.  And it's already WAY behind the other two volumes.

Thing is, I sort of like this one.  It's not as intense as mine, but it does have Eric front and center with both Bobby and Allen in the background, and it fits in with the whole look.  So I said run with it.  My ego's not that big...not yet.

BTW, blogging the Golden Globes live is nowhere near as much fun as watching it live.  I felt more like one of those reporters watching the teletype wire in a 1930's crime movie and almost screamed for a "copy boy" twice since I was writing at the same time.  You'd have to watch something like "His Girl Friday" to understand.

Still no word on if I'm going to NYC this Friday or when I'm off to LA.  We're waiting for this auction house to okay the cost for the packing job, first.  Again...waiting and waiting.

BTW -- I let B&N know my name was spelled wrong on Friday, it's already corrected.  Amazon made me jump up and down and hold my breath till I turned blue before they'd change it.

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