A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The fates mock me...

In direct violation of my common sense and bank balance, I entered "The Alice '65" into "The Indie Gathering" screenplay competition. It's a film festival geared mainly towards action and horror that happens late in August, and "Find Ray T" came in Second Place in last year's competition. I sort of wanted to see what the reaction would be to a Romantic-Comedy.

Well...A65 got First Place in its field. This is my Laurel.
When I heard, I was very pleased. It's a nice ego-stroke and gives me a bit more validation, but there's just one little caveat -- the festival happens in Hudson, Ohio. When I mentioned it to a PR person I know in LA, I had to explain that Hudson is next door to Cleveland. She laughed at me. Her comment? "Win the Nicholl. Then people will pay attention. Maybe."

I've tried dealing with the Nicholl. I never even make the first cut...so that's a lost cause. And it seems my application to the NEA for a grant to stay in Ireland and research "Place of Safety" is also dead. Story of my life maintains its never-ending loop of oooooohhhh...alllllllmost.

What the Muse giveth with one hand, she taketh away with a slap to the face.

I may attend "The Indie Gathering" anyway, to see if there's any chance of someone being interested in anything else I've written. Supposedly, it's a great networking festival. They also emphasize short films and scripts, and it's only 3 days long. I've got enough points to stay for free at a Best Western just down the road, and it's only 200 miles from where I live -- like driving to Houston from San Antonio -- so I could do it on the cheap.

Maybe that'll break this shell of isolation I'm building around me.


Michael said...

A win is a win. You have a fantastic screenplay and it deserved that honor. Congrats!

JamTheCat said...

Thank you so much.

I sudden had a flash -- you write a screenplay, go to LA, connect with the right people, get it sold and produced and it makes a hundred million...and I wind up hating you because I'm so jealous.

Can't decide if this is a dream or a nightmare. ;)