A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, November 17, 2014

I wonder if half the trouble I had getting into working on Bugzters is that I'm doing it in third person omniscient. All my other books have been in first person. To me, that was more immediate and real...but this story wants to be able to shift between characters and delve a bit into their psyches, and you can't do that very easily using my normal style.

But this evening I finally caught Alex's 11 year-old turmoil and dug into it a bit. And it worked...at least, I think so. But then again, David Martin is in third person and seems removed. It comes across as very sedate, apparently. No exciting inciting incident to get a reader hooked. I checked a stat on Smashreads that lets you know how may people have downloaded some of the book to read, and it's like 85 to1 in sales,

Oh, well...live and learn...

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