A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Quick trip to Austin...

My youngest niece is getting married so I have to be there. Bad timing with the NY Book Fair happening now and me trying to get A65 ready to go for publishing...but it's working out. I'm making the plane trip on points, used points to halve the price of my hotel up north of town, away from the South by Southwest Music Festival, and will be back on the job Monday morning, probably in need of sleep. My credit cards will love me, too. Dammit.

I can work on A65 on the plane heading down. Apparently I'm doing a bunch of short-hops and changing flights in Dallas, but that's how Southwest's been going. If the weather holds out, it shouldn't be too bad. Same for coming back, which will be a lot faster but get me in late.

My hope is to get some decent BBQ and Mexican food. Buffalo's got adequate places but once in a while you yearn for the real thing...even Bill Miller's.

No luck from my librarian; they still use Dewey Decimal for cataloguing instead of Library of Congress. But I did learn I need a cutter, which is an author specific letter and numeric code used for cataloging. Maybe this will help me find out what mine is. I know all but the last 5 numbers in it...but of course those are the most important. Can't put it in the book till I have it.

Maybe I'll have it by the time I get back, Sunday...or Monday, after work...

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