A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, April 12, 2019


Okay, this is it. I'm finally at the point where if I know I do one more thing to this sketch, I'll screw it up, so I'm stopping. It's time to move on. Otherwise, I'll be at this the rest of the year and APoS will be dumped, again. Not gonna happen.

For sure this means I'm not doing 40 panels. Dunno how many, just yet, but it's not like I'm making a movie; I'm just adding visuals to a person telling a story, and I've already decided the next frame I was going to do was unnecessary. I had 8 frames plotted out for two paragraphs...and that's absurd. All I need for this are pinpoint moments to back up the audio and focus on the character...and to have each of them reach the same level of detail as this one means a week on each. I ain't gonna rush it.

I do feel good about this panel, I have to admit. It gives Adam a nice feel...nice look. I'm going to keep the focus on him, throughout. No cutting back and forth, like I was storyboarding a film. No supercilious angles. Just Adam going through his morning, unaware his world is about to be turned on its head.

I get too carried away with complexity, sometimes...almost to the point where it's its own reason to create, and that's just silly.

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