A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Why? Whhhyyyyyyyy?

I wonder about my brain, sometimes. The directions it takes without my expecting it. How plans I make get shattered because my mental processes refuse to speak to me until they can cause me the most chaos.

I stopped by The Corning Museum of Glass, today, and saw a couple new exhibits and got some ideas on how to makes Dair's chosen art form to be even more impressive when he makes his projects...and had a damn good butternut squash ravioli for lunch. Also learned Blown Away 4 has happened. But it's only on NetFlix. Dammit.

And then, on the final leg of my drive home, what did I do? Work more on the screenplay for Bobby Carapisi. 5 acts; 125 pages, maybe 130, max. Cutting the story to the bone.

Act One -- Eric's assault (alluded to but not shown), and how he's manhandled by the system of justice, despite pushing for justice. His drifts into drugs and prostitution.

Act Two -- Bobby's assault (also alluded to) but he was handled with kid gloves, letting him ignore the effects it's having on him. But rumors keep building.

Act Three -- Eric learns of how Bobby was coddled and hits the media, blowing the story up. Bobby is driven off the baseball diamond and commits suicide. Followed by Eric's guilt over his part in it and an apology to Bobby's mother.

Act Four -- Allen is sent to prison despite claiming his innocence. He insists everything was consensual. But Eric connects with him to tell his story...and investigates his claims, including speaking with a past victim.

Act Five -- Eric locates Allen's family and realizes he was brutally abused by them. He drifted into being part of the assaults, lied non-stop about who he was, and is self-destructive, now...but he finally admits what was done to Bobby

Epilogue -- Allen dies in prison, and Eric is on the road to recovery.

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