A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Je fait un voyage a Paris

And don't hold me to my decades old French, that's fer dang sure. I pulled out an old copy of "French For Dummies" to peruse in a silly attempt to become fluent before I hit Paris, next month. I'll only be there three days -- ah, the world of business travel -- but it comes at just the right moment. An important part of RIHC6v2 Part 2 takes place in the La Defense District of the city, and I'll have all of Monday to explore. Je suis tres heureux de faire ce voyage.

I cleaned up part 1 of RIHC6v2 and will get onto part 2 soon; that's the part that needs the most work, right now. The book is now over 60K words and 260 typewritten pages...but it's getting cleaner, leaner (seriously!) and meaner.

The next book I'll tackle is part 3 of Bobby Carapisi -- Allen's version of events. That's about 40% done, already and first needs to have the separate sections I've written linked up and a solid structure put into place. I know where it starts, some of the middle and the ending. I hope to have it done soon; I want to shift my total attention back to POS. Brendan's been patient and I've been inconsistent in it. But now I want the book finished. It's time and I'm at the stage where I see my skittishness as silly.

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