A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


This is getting to be ridiculous. I just got the latest proof of the paperback edition for "Bobby Carapisi" and it's all off. There's a black band across the top instead of it bleeding to the edge; the spine isn't centered; the blurbs on the back of the cover are jammed against the spine edge instead of in the middle. They sent me an e-mail saying they had to "adjust" some things to keep them from being trimmed away, but this was God-awful.

I went back into the PhotoShop version I did, added grid lines to make sure everything was in the proper place and there was enough for bleed and trim around the edges, laid it on a white background, rasterized and flattened it, saved it into a PDF, and sent that in...to start the whole review process, again.

I'm not letting this be done just to get done; I want it right. I'm the idiot who was too damn coy with the first covers; it's up to me to make this right. Who knew it'd be so hard? Or that it'd take so long?

I'm 90% ready for the trip. Tomorrow I'm taking half the day off and hitting my bank and doing other errands, paying bills, all that nonsense. then it's up at 4am to catch my flight to NYC. I so look forward to that. Price you gotta pay.

It's official; the packing job in London will go through Thursday...and maybe into Friday. I'm going to have to scramble to get some time on my own.


MAC said...

I'm so ready to read your latest novel. I had no idea what it takes to get a book on the shelves. Thanks for the behind-the-scenes peek.

JamTheCat said...

Thanks, Mac...but be warned -- it's rather different from "The Lyons' Den". Much darker.

MAC said...

Don't let the pink cupcake fool ya... I like a little "dark" every now and then.