A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Driving in Texas Bad

I cannot think of a good reason to drive between cities in Texas. The state has some of the most soulless freeways around. Mile after mile of nothing, not even really nice scenery except for a few spots of grandeur in the Hill Country. I just drove from Dallas to Plainview and can attest to that fact, without hesitation, since I've also driven between San Antonio and El Paso...and Houston...and Dallas...and Corpus Christi...and Brownsville. Mind-numbing.

Of course, flying isn't exactly a treat, either. While my flight to Chicago was okay, between Chicago and Dallas was PACKED. I got very little work done; just dozed most of the way.

If the state ever gets its collective butt in gear, they might build high-speed rail between the triangle cities -- San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas (Austin's between SA and big D) -- and that would be fine.

This is my life -- whine a few days, work a few days, be happy a few days, never in the same order.

Oh, I found out "NYPD Blood" was fixed in book format. It now has the prologue. This book is about as mainstream as it gets, so we'll see how it goes. Of course, A65 is turning out the same way -- very heterosexual and romantic and psychotic. Should appeal to women, everywhere. Snark.

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