A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


French Connection Blues has been set up on Smashwords (for e-book) and Lightning Source (for paperback). The e-book is supposedly available now; the paperback in a few days. I can now wash my hands of it...and I feel a great relief.

For what it's worth, if you plan to do self-publishing, Smashwords will set the e-book up for free, including adapting a Word file into epub. Vook charges a huge amount to do it, and Lightning Source will not take a book unless it's already formatted in epub, but the couple of formatting files I tried didn't work worth a damn. Which wouldn't be a problem if any of them could tell me why...but they couldn't. So I'm getting a refund all the way around.

Now I can shift all my focus back to my own work...and I'm going to shut up about it, for a while. I don't want to discuss Underground Guy or ...Owen Taylor or even Place of Safety until I'm done with them and can start to crow and beg for feedback.

I kind of wonder if that saps your energy, always talking about a project. Last night, I could not think of a single solitary thing to say about any of my writing.
So instead I'm reading up on Cervantes -- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, born in 1547, died the same day as Shakespeare in 1616. He was rather good-looking, even with his Andalusian nose.

Man, he had the troubles of Job. Bankruptcy, being made a slave, wounded in battle, commissary for the Spanish Armada...he never made a living at writing. Hell, he didn't even publish Don Quixote until he was 58. It's amazing.

And scary.

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