A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fourth time's the charm?

I've uploaded another PDF of OT to Spark, this time making sure everything was in order before I did it. And I've ordered my 4th hard copy proof; I don't even begin to trust the pdf proof they send out. Guess we'll see how it goes, this time around.

While updating the info on my ebooks already available through Smashwords I found out Rape In Holding Cell 6 had a problem. The way Smashwords works, you prep your book in a Word Doc (not docx) and upload it. They strongly encourage having a Table of Contents that links to chapters or headings in the book, which you can do in Word. But apparently if it's broken up too much, it becomes difficult to transition into mobi and such.

So I got a message that the file suddenly had multiple Tables of Contents and that needed to be addressed. That's where today went, and I've just uploaded it to replace the old version. If anyone out there has bought the ebook and had problems with it, let me know and I'll get you a clean copy via a coupon with Smashwords.

It would have been nice to know this two years ago, when I set the book up. But apparently the Auto-vetter that makes sure everything's in order didn't notice or doesn't notice such things. So now I'm waiting to see what happens, and I'll get a proof of this, as well. Guess I'd better check the others, too.

Just another way for me to have fucked up.

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