A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Submitted the paperback...

After a long week and late nights at work and way too many headaches and a lot of reformatting at one in the morning, I finally submitted The Lyons' Den to Ingram Spark for printing. I won't find out till Monday or Tuesday if it works okay; they'll send me a PDF to check. If that's in order, then I get a paperback proof...and hopefully will not have to go through as many as I did for The Vanishing of Owen Taylor and Bobby Carapisi. I'd like to think I've learned how to do this, now...but the proof isn't there till you hold it in your hand. Pun intended.

The main issue stems from my programs being out of date or inadequate. My version of Word is a pain in the ass when it comes to numbering the pages. And when I save the text of the book into a PDF, it comes out as two separate sections, which have to be combined into one. But I can't do that on my Mac; I have to take it into work and link them since we have that version of Adobe there. I could shift the text from Word to a PDF at work and have it come out as one file, but that program won't embed all of the fonts...which is required. So I do it piecemeal.

As for the cover art, if I lay it onto the form Spark sends, it gets rejected for having ICC color codes. I have to upload the artwork on its own for it to be acceptable. But I think that makes it easier for the cover to shift and wind up off center, an issue I had with OT.

Oh, well...at least it's on the first stage of the journey. I hope to have it okay'd for publishing by the 15th. Then I can turn back to The Alice '65 and something fun.

Last night after work, I met with my CPA and did my taxes. I don't owe as much as I did, last year, because I wound up making less. Which is, I suppose, at least a bit of a positive. But it blows what little progress I made in my debts, this year.

I must be a real artist; I have no idea how to handle money...

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