Derry, Northern Ireland

Derry, Northern Ireland
A book I'm working on is set in this town.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Mood swings...

Going through a rough patch, at the moment. Wondering why I keep writing. Seems the only reason I do is because I feel an obligation to my characters and stories. They came to me and I need to do better by them than I have...but I also wonder if I'm capable of doing what needs to be done.

It may be I've relegated myself to a niche market that is not really into reading, unless the story has lots of brutal gay sex in it. My best seller is my first book, HTRASG, and half the reason is because the title is provocative and the anti-hero is a vicious animal filled with excuses for his behavior.

Curt is an anomaly in my work; my other characters have specific reasons for their actions, no matter how vile they are, and Jake, from OT, is actually heroic. But it's selling the poorest. Not even a hundred copies, yet. After pumping so much money into doing it right and giving copies away while asking for nothing but a review. I have no idea what more to do short of hawking it to independent book shops, myself.

When I was in Seattle, I did try to go by Mysterious Book Shop on Cherry Street, but they've shut down. Mystery Pier in West Hollywood said no. Book Soup will order it for you if you want it. And other mystery book shops just ignored me when I contacted them. So I guess I've written a book that nobody wants to buy...even at $1.99 for an ebook.

So I wonder if part of the reason I'm having trouble getting back into working on A65 is because I don't think it's worth the effort. I'll write it and publish it and no one will care. Even though it's very heterosexual and pretty damn mainstream. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Boy and girl break up. Boy and girl get back together.

Maybe I should change it to boy meets boy and have Adam be a real asshole.

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