A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Surprising feedback...

One of my building's office people tried to read The Alice '65 but said the print is too small. Makes her eyes hurt. She's older but not elderly, and does wear glasses...but apparently those didn't help.

I checked it and I did the text in TNR 10 point font, while I've been doing APoS in 11 point, which is a bit easier to read. Of course, the file being used by my editor is Courier 12 point and I've done my own proofing using 14 point blown up to 150 view, to make the errors more obvious. But I'm wondering if I should consider reworking A65 with a larger point size.

Maybe I'll even do the PB editions of APoS in 12 point to make it a clearer read. I doubt many young people will be reading the books...except maybe in ebook, which can be increased in size on the viewer. But this was something I hadn't give a lot of consideration to.

I'd looked at dozens of novels in paperback and hardcover to get an idea of how they were formatted and laid out and such, but I didn't really pay attention to the font size. To me, larger print was like this:

A Place of Safety

-- and for people who were nearing blindness. I'm fortunate in that while I do need glasses for reading or seeing things up close, I'm fine most of the time without them. And making my books into large print just seemed like a lot of time and effort for minimal use. Kind of limiting, that way of thinking.

Oh, well...live and learn...maybe...

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