A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, October 22, 2010

I got yer PinkPalace...

Right here!  Did ya think I was kiddin'?  Huh?  HUH!?
It's a few feet taller than the US Capitol Building 'cause Texans gotta be bigger in every way.

But "Coby O'..." is a story about cutting it down to size and making use of Texas' Forefathers' decision to use this particular shade of granite for their ostentatiousness.

Coby's a gay groundskeeper for the  Capitol who happens to stumble onto a scandal that threatens to kill a number of political careers.  He starts slipping information to a reporter he has a crush on, Noah, and soon both their lives are in danger thanks to a crooked lobbyist, his homophobic henchman and a closeted aide Coby used to be involved with.

I haven't decided if I'll tell the story in first or third person, but I'm going to go for a farcical attitude, with lots of snap.  Oh, and I was wrong about Coby's look in my earlier post.  That kid's cute...maybe too cute.  What I want is a real-looking guy...like this.  His name's Preston and he's an art student in SF.  I've been following him on FaceBook and he's perfect as Coby.

What's even more perfect is, he was first runner up in this goofy competition on squarehippies.com, seeking the "Adorkable Guy of the Year."  Preston's an artist, not a dork...but then, the guy who won is an actor who's pretty good-looking.  Not at ALL my definition of a dork.

But who am I to judge?  I'm a geek.

BTW -- if you see any GOP based ads on my site,  I can't seem to stop them from invading my space.  But I'll tell any and all up front -- I'm a card-carrying member of the ACLU and would sooner kick a rattlesnake than support the Repugnican party or Tea Party or any other racists in any way, form or fashion.


Anonymous said...


JamTheCat said...

Wow, this is from a while ago. I need to go back over my blog and see what it is I used to say.

BTW, I'm still facebook friends with Preston. And he's still adorkable.