A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Battle brewing

Okay...I'm working at finishing up the next rewrite of "Inherent Flaws" so I can get back to POS, but Brendan and Jake are playing games with each other. Seems both are vying to be the next project I work on and Brendan's making like a trickster to get his way.

How do I know? I stopped for gas just inside Washington, DC and as I was getting out, one sheet of notes for my new Jake & Tone mystery flew out of the van and under it. I got it just in time...but then couldn't find the other sheet. I figured it was in the middle of some other papers that had shifted around, but as I was cleaning the back windows, I heard a shuffle and there went the second sheet of notes across the gas station's pavement.

I caught it and put both back in a place where that couldn't happen, again, and heard Brendan laughing in the back of my mind. He must have some leprechaun in him. Meanwhile, Jake was just standing there, his arms crossed, shaking his head and saying, "Play it your way."

Now I know why I keep forgetting things -- like the sign-off paperwork for this job I just delivered for Johns Hopkins and directions I'd printed out to the hotel I'm staying in, tonight. My characters are taking up what little brain space I have. I have to make notes non-stop if I want to remember things I need to do and triple check myself, I guess, to be certain I have everything I need for a trip. I was thinking it was the early onset of Alzheimer's or maybe a dash of dementia...but now I know it's just psychosis, and that I can deal with.

Anyway, I shoved them both into their respective corners and worked on another 2 chapters of IF. I'm at about the halfway point and there's more work needing to be done than I recalled. As usual. but it's getting there.

Now if I could just figure out why Brendan's pulling this crap, the little pixie.

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