A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

115 Pages

And I'm not going to argue with the length. The story is what it is and I feel comfortable enough to let people read it and give me feedback. Already got one taker. Any others? It's much changed from the first version I was fool enough to let out of my sight.

I think it still needs another couple passes, to make Casey shine more. She's still too low-key for the events, but the way it's being presented...it makes sense.

I took a break after I finished and did paperwork. I also need to prepare for taxes. Man, that's gonna be fun. Then I went back in and clarified some aspects that I think got a little lost. I also decided to pull back on one moment so a similar moment, later, would have more impact.

I also went on a FaceBook page devoted to Russell Tovey and told them he'd be perfect for Adam, hoping he'd see it sometime and maybe ask me about it. Who knows?

During the break, I also started a FaceBook ad for "The Lyons' Den" to see if I can get something more going on the book. I haven't received any figures on what the sales were. I know they aren't a lot, but it'd still be nice to know.

I am going to do A65 as a book. I've removed so much detail in Adam's and Casey's lives, it's all but screaming at me to do it. Question is, when?



Michael said...

I'd be happy to give it a read, Kyle. It sounds really interesting from what I've seen in your other blog posts.

JamTheCat said...


I'll pop it over to you once I've gone through and checked for spelling screw-ups and typos. I'm bad with those.