A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, June 3, 2013

And...we're off...

I've dropped half the ending bit that I'd done for OT because it involved a lot of racing around that only distracted from Jake's control of the story, so I'm back under a total of 100K in wordage. The killer is still who I think it is, but the reason for it's changed. And I figured out what Jake's mother said to Antony to get him all freaked out, which adds to the story.

I wasn't sure I'd get anything done on OT, this evening. I worked out for a whole 20 minutes at a gym and got so friggin' tired, for a bit...and hungry...I couldn't focus. Man, I am so out of shape. Not cool. The gym didn't cost me anything, thanks to my health insurance, so I figure the fates want me to do something about my growing inactivity. But if it's going to beat me up like this every time, that's not gonna last long.

Something else not helping is the pile-up of work I have, all of a sudden. I've got two different projects running, both of which have to be done ASAP. Then there's prepping for shipments to the book fairs in London, which now includes a ludicrous amount of paperwork. I'm feeling inundated.

Being broke doesn't help. Well, not so much broke as on a tight budget. Damn tight. $80 a week tight. But I have back taxes due and artwork to get done and debt to pay down, and I want to start doing estimated taxes so I don't get the massive penalties and interest charged to me, again. I've already cut down my necessary expenses by $140 a month, and my brother's doing good in taking care of himself...so far. Of course, a lot depends on nothing going wrong with me, my car or my computers, since we're all out of warranty.

What the hell; I could afford to miss a couple of meals. It's probably the only way I'l get back to my preferred weight...and I have a long way to go to get there.

Problem is, I'm too old to be doing this shit.

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