A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Headachy but done...

RIHC6 is up on Smashwords for the e-book and has been accepted by Ingram to offer as a paperback. It's amazing how much work there is in making an e-book ready -- clearing out non-useful formatting, removing all tabs, keeping the sections tighter together, adding a table of contents that links around the book, and back. I be cross-eyed and my neck is killing me. Advil is just starting to take effect.

Now comes Porno Manifesto...and I have a solid idea for the cover. I found a great shot of some young men marching down an alley, holding baseball bats and looking very mean. Plop that into the lens of a video camera, like it's a reflection...but we'll see how it works after I go through the book and prep it for reissue.

I had another idea as to how to make The Alice '65 a better script...and it entails removing the Australian twerp from being anything but in the background. This is Adam's jorney, and everything has to pertain to that. He's been hinting at how to make this a strongly-grounded script...and I finally let it permeate into my brain. This will definitely mean a restructuring of the whole story.

Something else is, Carly's ready to rock and roll...and she's not someone you want to keep waiting.

I think I need to work this moment in, too.it's just too much fun.

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