A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Closing in...

Getting closer to a cover I like. This one is more classic in style and feel, and mysterious enough for the story without being too mainstream or esoteric. I think. I mean, I'm not at all dismissive of the starkness and the total black and white. I guess I'm ready to start getting feedback, now.

Thing is, PM hasn't sold as well as HTRASG or RIHC6. The title is provocative enough, but I absolutely hated the previous cover and believe it hurt the book's sales. It was totally porn-oriented, and PM is not porn. My only hesitation is, I wonder if I'm going too far to the other extreme for the cover.

Thing is, I want to be done with it and get to work on a new draft of The Alice 65. I've got new ideas for it that need to handled before they lose their resonance in my mind. I was trying to get feedback on it, but so far no one's given me any. Oh, well...I can already see a lot that's wrong with my approach to the script and will work off that.

I guess I'll put PM aside for a little while and let the ideas percolate in the back of my brain...what brain I have.

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