A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

David Martin starting the road...

...To becoming a hardcover book. Nice size. A bit pricy but with a fine cover. Everything nice and neat, inside. 88 pages long, 75 of them story and illustrations. I finished it up on my laptop, getting around the issues I had by shifting it to a DOC file from DOCX. I'm waiting to hear back with a PDF proof, then I'll get a hardcover...and then I'll start sending notices out to libraries to see if they want it. See if this gives the book a new lease on life...

I'm headed for a quick scout of a possible job in Connecticut, on Sunday, to meet with the people on Monday morning. Of course, this is the perfect time for me to get a cold...or virus, if I've got what a coworker got from her daughter. I'm fighting the beast with tea and soup and Tylenol and hoping to bring it down to nothing by Sunday...but so far the best I've been able to do is keep it at bay.

Tomorrow's Friday the 13th...and I's just superstitious enough to dread it. I can see me getting worse with this cold, and I've got a shipment that I'm trying to get out for a client that is just begging for something to go wrong. But can't do anything about it except call in sick, and that's not an option, right now.

I'm waiting for new copies of A65 to come in. It's all set to be sold through Kindle, Nook and a host of other ebook formats, and I have a promotion starting with Book Daily to get it better known. One can only hope, since I haven't the resources of Random House behind me to get it into book stores and advertised in media everywhere. Gotta rely on word of mouth.

So far reaction is good...

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