A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

I have no idea what I did...

I worked on A65's paperback cover, today, prepping it for when it's time to be released. I'm using the same layout but with some slightly different placement. Anyway, in the middle of this, I went looking for an image I knew I had...and discovered one of my thumb drives is dead. Completely. I plug it into the USB port and it does nothing. It's like the damned thing's not there.

Well...freakout time, because it has at least a hundred file folders on it, with images and details and information -- exactly what, I don't know, completely. I probably have half of the files double-backed up on other thumb drives, but there are a lot I don't have. And I cannot get it to work in order to find out...so I have no idea how much I've lost.

I spent hours digging through possibilities on the internet, including downloading a couple of programs that swore they could handle the issue, only to get nothing...though I did find people tend to have a poor opinion of PNY thumb drives. Too many are either poorly made or poorly designed, causing connectivity issues similar to mine. And I'm fairly certain it's a connection problem because when I tried the drive out on my old Mac Book, the little green light flashed on then went off.

Jiggling it did no good, nor did cleaning it or trying to compress the mouth of the thing. I plug it in and get absolutely nothing. Won't even work on my Mac Mini. And I know it's not the ports, because my other drives work fine on them. So I'm trying one last thing -- plugging it into my PC at the office. If that doesn't work, I'm screwed. I guess I could check around to see if someone knows how to get around this issue, but since it's not a programming or motherboard thing I don't know who to go to.

I guess I could ask around. What'll make this especially interesting is, there are images on there I just don't want people to see. Things meant solely for me...like a fairly graphic Yaoi illustrated story I found interesting about a man sexually assaulted by vines and trees who, when they're done with him, shrugs it off and walks away...and some other artwork by Mentaiko, whose human figures are caught between the cartoonish form of Yaoi and the best rendition of body forms and skin tones I've ever seen.

And just to be clear -- yes, I can be very weird and warped, at times...

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