A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, April 6, 2018

You do what you have to do...

Well...initial response to A65 is interesting. I've had over 200 people download a free edition of the ebook. I got a nice blurb in the Funds for Writers newsletter, which actually got someone to contact me asking when the ebook would be available in Nook. I decided the hell with it and set the ebook up on Smashwords. That'll make it available for that format soon. Not sure what this means for Kindle, but right now I don't give a shit. Amazon's fucking me around on the hardcover -- they're back to first offering it through that 3rd party dealer -- so if they want to make an issue out of it, screw 'em.

I read through a bit more of the book, checking for mistakes...and stopped. I had to. I was close to convincing myself I'd done a crap job with it and should pull the book and never be allowed to write, again. Me being hyper-critical of every sentence not worded perfectly. It's ludicrous...but I think most writers are like that. Hell, even Steven King went back and reworked The Stand several times, not necessarily for the better. I read it when it first came out and it went on and on, even then, before he added God knows how many pages and changed the timing.

But then, he's Steven King and he can do that. Writers like me, it just makes us look indecisive and lacking in confidence...which we are. At least, I am. So I've frozen my inclination to rework the story, yet again, into stasis till I get word back from the LoC that everything's okay. If it IS okay...I'm publishing the paperback as is and doing no more rewrites, at all. If it isn't and I have to reissue the hardcover...well, I'll see what I can do to control myself.

Haven't had much luck in that aspect of my life, yet.

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