A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Dead day...(WARNING--griping ahead)

I didn't get home till 3am, thanks to Southwest Airlines, and had 3 weeks worth of laundry to do along with a major inability to work up a want to do it. Took me 3 hours to talk myself into having clean clothes, in the morning, though I haven't done any ironing. But I can do some in the morning because I'm seeing the doctor at 11. My knee acts as if it's out of joint, and I'm feeling old and weary and in a foul mood so I probably shouldn't be writing on this blog but it's a sort of outlet and putting my feelings into my books is my other outlet but that may be a problem since, once they're in there, I don't want to mess with them so it might be hurting my stories except I don't think it is...

And there's my whine for the day. Now I'm off to have some cheese, albeit with a glass of milk. I did get some work done on UG while doing laundry. I've got a lot of reticent words in Devlin's speech, and he's anything but reticent. He's from Brooklyn; he needs more of a rat-a-tat in your face kind of talk and just saying fuck a lot is not a substitution.

It was also one of those days where I couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat, so wandered around and wound up having a turkey bowl from Old Boston...with stuffing and corn...which was a mistake. I keep forgetting a lot of people use chicken broth in their stuffing and I think they did because that's how it affected me. So now I have a headache and backache and want to sleep for a week.

Dammit, I am turning into a cranky old man.

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