A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Stuck in Vegas...

My flight's delayed by over 2 hours, thank you Southwest. Now set to depart at 6pm but no plane at the gate, yet. So...I won't be home till nearly 2am...if then. Not happy.

Didn't help my mood to be flying over the Sierra Mountains...and their amazing beauty from 32,000 feet reminded me, with a vengeance, that I'm a California boy. And I miss my home. I can't afford to live there, anymore, but it's still where my heart is. Always will be.

I worked a bit on Underground Guy, to keep my mind off that crap. Plus, Vegas' airport is not the nicest place to be caught in...unless you don't mind losing money playing slot machines that are geared to keep as much of your money as possible.

And I lost some. I threw a $20 into a Wheel of Fortune" with the wish I could pay for a trip to Norway...and lost it. Took 5 minutes, if that long. The fates are laughing at my childish hopes and dreams and prayers. Well, at least I had some decent BBQ.

I'm mainly going through what I already have in UG, like I did with APOS, and finding out where I need to fill in. I'm going to jump back and forth between the two books, when one becomes too intense. That's not to say they're on the same level; UG is more of a letting off steam book while APOS is my attempt at aping Tolstoy...even though he never worked in first person.

Maybe I shouldn't, either...

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