A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Officially an old man...

Today I turned 66, in age...have been told I'm ancient, in sprit...and I feel like I'm 27 in imagination. I cannot fathom how I got to this point...but reality is, I'm a brat in an old man's body. And I can live with that, despite current health issues. What's nice is, work was short and easy since it's finally our quiet time...and I sort of need it to recuperate from the last spate of jobs. Another part of your body being past its warranty date.

So I'm cleaning out my shelves of books and DVDs I no longer want or need. Pared 'em down a lot, with some going to the local library and others going up on ebay. But it meant nothing worked on, either with APoS or UG, today. I'm coming up on 2 weeks officially off and will slam headlong into one or the other or both, then. Right now, I'm still sifting the stories through my anarchic brain.

Devlin fits my cold, dark side so perfectly, in UG, while Brendan's circling and flirting with anarchy as a political means to an end in APoS. They may be two sides to the same coin; not sure yet -- Devlin's gay; Brendan's straight. Seems simple on the outside...but nothing ever truly is. And...that's why I write.

Because I need to write. Need it more than anything. I don't make much money from it...hell, not even enough to pay my rent for a month...but I can't stop. When I do, I'll die. I know it. My stories and characters are the blood in my veins. My future is theirs, and theirs is mine. My world only exists insofar as they are in it. So I guess I am courting madness, by most definitions...except when I finish my books and publish them and send them into the world, I don't expect any particular outcome.

I try to get them noticed and do as much publicity as I can, but my only goal is for them to be read by someone and the characters' stories known to others besides myself. And so far that has happened. Not on the scale of Steven King, by any means, but enough to make me happy. I don't think I have it in me to write a best-seller; I wouldn't even know how to begin.

I've read Grisham and Clancy, two authors who hit it big with their first books...both of which were excellent reads...but my work doesn't aim in that direction. And I haven't stuck with one particular genre, like they did. I've got suspense, farce, mystery, action, romantic comedy, fable...and even a cop biography (that's no longer in print under my name). God only knows where I'll go after these two. Gothic horror with Darian's Point?

You never know what you'll do till you do it...

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