A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

I be Instagraming now...

I joined Instagram and tried to fix it so I could post from my MacBook Pro, but the bastards won't let me. Has to be from my phone...which is irritating. The sneak-around offered via Google didn't work. But I've now got a way to add images to the site and plan to use it solely to push my writing. Guess we'll see how that goes. If anyone wants to check it out, my moniker is angerandanarchy.

I've made contact with a couple more people in Ireland to gain better knowledge of the society Brendan's part of...and they're real firecrackers. One shares my last name and is probably more liberal than I am, if that's possible. Apparently there are right wing racist scum in that country, as well, causing trouble and she's on it about them. She should prove interesting...

The bits of Brendan's interrogation I posted seemed a bit flat, to me. Almost academic. A step removed. Today while doing my ton of laundry I think I figured out why -- there's no real suspense. No wondering if he's going to talk or not...at least, not very well noted in what I've written. Brendan seems more to be focused on just staying alive while he's being waterboarded, but I wonder if he should be thinking he should say something to stop it. Anything to stop it.

I don't want this bit to be just horrifying; I want it gut-wrenching, and I don't think it's there, yet. Not sure what to do about that...except keep reminding myself that I'm still building up the context. I almost wonder if I should change who it is the British are trying to identify, regarding the car-bomb Brendan witnessed. I wonder...

God, I've got so much more to do on this book...

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