A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Rough outline

This is part of what I've got for the first outline of the beginning of Darian's Point:

Opens with three harpies flying high above, watching Caoimhín Ui Briuin and his men cross the sea in small boats. Waiting for them are Morriggan and The Dagda, the leaders of the Tuatha Dé Danann, at Darian’s Point, a peninsula on Inish Ciuin, a small island near the Cliffs of Moher. 

The men are battle-scarred and angry. They have come to offer one of their own as a sacrifice, for peace. Caoimhín declares himself to be the one. Morriggan is not pleased, and neither is the Dagda, but they have to accept.

They go through a ritual. A mist builds, blocking out everything, then the three creatures swoop in and Caoimhín is killed as he begs forgiveness from Caera. 

Five years earlier, Caoimhín and Caera talk of wedding, she’s gathering reeds. Playful and in love, everything seems perfect. He hears a horn signaling a new hunt party has formed, so rushes off. 

Shortly after, the Dagda approaches, a blond, elegant, handsome man. He sees her. Talk. He’s headed home but a storm is coming. Probably won’t make it. She takes him to their crannog.

Caoimhín’s father agrees to provide the Dagda shelter for the night, even though the Tuatha Dé Danann have been rather haughty with the darker, more earthy Ui Briuins, whom they see as lowlifes. He's even given a hut of his own, to honor his high standing.

The storm blows in. Caera serves him, and he flirts with her. She’s flattered and reciprocates. 

Caoimhín returns from the hunt with just one boar. He sees Caera with the Dagda and is jealous. Father tells him to cool it, the man is a guest. Caoimhín storms off. Caera is angry with him, then she is seduced by the Dagda...but in a way that veers close to rape.

Seagull sees and goes to tell Morriggan. Furious that he’s with a lowlife woman, she casts runes to find the one Caera cares most about, and it’s Caoimhín. Morriggan finds him atop the Cliffs of Moher, looking out over the stormy ocean. She seduces him...and becomes pregnant by him.

Caera also winds up pregnant. Everyone thinks it’s Caoimhín’s, but he denies it. They are forced to marry, but he will not sleep with her. “Dream of your god-man.” 

Many months later, Caera has a boy. “Born with hair the color of moonbeams, and eyes as blue as the sky...and already open.” This is not considered good. The Ui Briuins have dark hair and brown eyes, so everyone now knows the child is not of their bloodline. Caera admits baby is the Dagda’s. That Caoimhín has never been with her.

Caoimhín refuses the child and Caera. His father takes on their responsibility, angry with Caoimhín for his unwillingness to accept human weakness. Hopes he doesn’t regret it.

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