A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

I blame DST...

Woke up in a foul mood, this morning, and it sort of messed with the whole day. I'd like to think it's due to Daylight Savings Time coming around, again, but I think I was also having a rough dream. All I remember from it is that I was asking Elizabeth II why we didn't have a pastry with our tea...and I think I was upset about it.

It's really weird, but whenever I recall any part of a dream, not long after something happens that reminds me of it. Like the dream is an advance warning system I've got, or something. I dunno. It's just happened so many times that I can't shrug it off as weird. It's just part of me.

I was raised Presbyterian, and they basically believe in predestination. I don't really understand all of it; we didn't go to church that much. Neither my mother nor my grandmother could drive, so we didn't have a car...and the church they belonged to was a mile and a half away. If Nana planned to attend services, she'd call a cousin of ours who lived close by and ride with her.

Mom and I would go along, usually, and I'd do the Sunday School thing as they did their thing, but it never really stuck. It stayed like that till mom decided since her second husband was Catholic, becoming Episcopalian would be a good a compromise.

Spoiler alert...it wasn't.

Now I'm an atheist. I see what's going on in the world with that beast in the White House joining forces with that beast in Moscow and doing all they can to destroy not only Ukraine but also the United States. And I see tens of millions of Americans worshiping him like a god...and it just proves to me God does not exist.

We're simply part of a chaotic existence that will end, someday. And maybe the books I've written will live on after me and maybe they won't. I just don't know. All I can do, right now, is keep pressing forward in ways I already do and try not to let it wreck me.

I halfway think the dream I was having, last night, was telling me it's not going to be good.

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