A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, March 6, 2025


I worked this up as a bridge, late in the section telling of the beginning of the curse at Darian's Point. The clau Ui Briuin and the Tautha De Danann have joined forces to fight the terror of the harpies. They have killed four of the seven, but only at a cost of a great many men. Both sides are exhausted, so Morriggan, who brought the harpies to life, brokers a truce and carries peace terms to the beleaguered creatures.

Now comes the one who gave us birth
And sorrow fills her every step 
Then soon her voice, with little mirth, 
Will say, "Agree or die." We wept. 
This end was seen so long ago 
In how she joined with men despised 
Once by her, but her heart will show 
She cares not. War will be reprised 
If we contend our fault was pure 
And did but only what she wished. 
"That claim," she said, "will but ensure 
You three no longer will exist."

"You made us whole," did we reply.
"Female times seven, built with wing 
To roam the earth and own the sky. 
But in each heart let sadness sing. 
No one for us to live and breathe 
In harmony. No male to join 
With each of us. And so we grieve 
As you then forbid us to coin 
Our depth of pain and suffering. 
To loneliness should we submit 
And hide our lives. Let each day bring 
New joy to worlds we must forget."

"The fault is mine," said she. "I know 
That I have done to you great wrong. 
And punishment is now the goal 
Meant for myself. And so, ere long 
I give to you one simple right 
So long as you will hold this pact 
When storms approach in dead of night 
Then fly you will, not be attacked. 
No foe approach. You will stay free 
To dance as waves crash to the shore 
And feed upon fish in the sea. 
And thus it shall be, evermore." 

"What pleasure comes from such a choice 
As to have no full life?" we cried. 
"And let those creatures then rejoice 
At how our four sisters have died?" 
"That is not all," our mother claimed. 
"Each hundred years at harvest moon 
A young man of my line is named 
And given as your feast. He soon 
Is readied at Point Dar Rian 
To seal this promise with his life 
Once rich and full." Thus it began. 
And they pronounced the end of strife. 

But unsaid in our mother’s claim 
Was how someday this pact would end 
With the last death of he whose name 
And blood from her line did extend. 
Now soon will we join with our foes 
To give our promise to them all. 
In cliffs we live so no one knows 
Of our existence, but to call 
Forth myths and tales of years gone by 
When king and queen of great renown 
Did walk the land and own the sky, 
Where now none more shall wear the crown.

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