A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wrong way Kyle

Man, I got a screw loose, somewhere. I got to NYC on time and was doing great, then somehow decided the subway line I was on stopped where I needed to go. So I got off and wound up 6 blocks off from where I needed to be. If I'd changed trains where I'd initially thought I should, I'd have been 200 feet away. And I'd mapped it out in my head before even leaving JFK. Talk about dumb.

I'm here to pack some books and prep some things at the NY Book Fair, then I'm heading home Saturday night. Not enough time to do anything, even if I did have the money. Now my taxes are paid, I'm back on the edge of nothingness.

My thoughts are still pretty scattered when it comes to the writing. I have too much going on, right now, so have trouble keeping everything in order in my brain. I'd say that's why I messed up on the subway, but it's been happening a lot, lately. Maybe it's time for a vacation. Maybe that's what August needs to be -- me just not doing anything and letting my brain realign itself. After all, this hasn't been the best year of my life.

I almost got to go to Paris, again, but once air fares were checked and the price of hotels was considered, no way in hell was that happening. Nor is London in the cards, because my bosses can go there and stay for free with friends while handling the London Book Fair. Such is my existence. Almost but not quite.

Of course, I could also use the time to work out a new plan for my life. Wouldn't hurt to have one; I've never really tried it, before.

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