A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Have my ending...

Worked up the final confrontation, where Dev takes care of business. I even worked out a way to show how the murders were committed and who committed them without explaining it. I show it as the killer's trying to kill Dev. Put some twists on it, too, I think. Now I just need to connect it to the rest of the story and have the final bit, where Dev realizes what was really going on.

It took me a while to get down to where I could write the story. I had a doctor's appointment, this morning, with a new doctor...and when he came in, I nearly gasped. He wasn't just good-looking, and it wasn't just because my gaydar went off, on him; it's because he looked so much like someone I lost so long ago, it jolted me.

His name was Charley and he was Latino...though not completely, I don't think. Half and half, maybe. Dark hair. Sweet smile. Buff with only some light fur on him. We had a thing, for a while...but I was selfish, then, so didn't do what it takes to maintain a relationship and we drifted apart. We remained friends, of a sort...then came the AIDs pandemic...and it got him.

It's quietly horrifying to watch a healthy, beefy man dwindle down to skin and bones. He'd get so cold, he'd even have the heater on in the middle of a Texas summer. His parents...his family kicked him out when they learned what was wrong with him. Bexar County paid for his funeral.

Then today I learned Czar Snowflake fired his entire HIV/AIDs advisory team. Via FedEx. I thought I already hated that motherfucking son-of-a-bitch as much as I could, but now it's beyond that. I no longer want him dead; I want him alive and suffering the tortures of the damned. Him and every goddamned SOB who supports him.

I remembered how Ronald Reagan refused to even think about HIV until Rock Hudson died and Elizabeth Taylor shamed him into it. And how even today idiots want to put us into concentration camps or execute us because they hate and fear us. I became sick to my stomach, I was so angry and hurt and torn up. Still am, a little

I was off-center for the rest of the day. Couldn't concentrate on anything and wound up leaving the office early...in the middle of a snowstorm. Didn't have dinner till late, and then just some soup. Then I used working on UG to shift my focus to something else, which may have helped it become very, very brutal.

But Charley...Jesus...my sweet Charley...

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