A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Last post of 2017

I can't say goodbye to this year fast enough. The only truly good thing about it, so far as I'm concerned, is I republished The Lyons' Den with a cover I liked and for a decent price. The rest of the year's been chaotic and intense, to say the least.

I don't count The Alice '65 in 2017 because I'm still waiting for my editor to get back to me with her corrections and comments, and then comes getting someone in the UK Antiquarian market to read it to make sure I haven't fumbled the story. When I do get it published, it will be a joy.

Same for Underground Guy, but for different reasons and aimed at a very different audience. Today I wrote a section where I was going to have Devlin apologize to one of his victims in hopes of making his situation smoother; instead, he blackmailed him. Just popped out. I tried to mitigate the brutality of that but in going over it I have to admit...doesn't work any other way. Dev needs this taken care of, now, now, now, so no time for niceties.

I did make a couple new friends online, this last year, but I'm still pretty much isolated here in Buffalo. I haven't met anyone I want to be friends with, or whom I'm around long enough to have it just develop. I'm going to change that.

2018 is the year of getting rid of the GOP...relegating that vile organization to history, if at all possible, so I'll need to be part of a group to have any effect. I'm going to begin volunteering once or twice a week to help bring that about.

I'm also going to join the Y, again, as part of Silver Sneakers. It's free and I want to build up my stamina and get rid of my excess weight. I've cut back on a lot of food intake, but that's done very little. I'm going to work up an exercise routine I can do, even on the road. Nothing major, just activity since I sit at a desk writing and at work, too damn much.

I'm not calling these resolutions; they're more like lifestyle choices I'm making. My only true personal goal in 2018 is to finish a first draft of Place of Safety so I can start my never-ending rewriting process. I've been at this story for too damn long and used too damn many excuses to avoid it. Not anymore. I'm now comfortable enough in my writing ability to face it and work it to completion.

Again, not a resolution, just a goal I've waited years to set.

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