A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Typical me...

As is usual in my writing, I got stuck on a section where Devlin goes from remembering the revenge he took on Griffin Faure to wondering why he chose to assault Reg. I couldn't get it to work, smoothly, but it's necessary for these two moments to be connected and I really think they belong right where they are. So I've reworked it four times trying to find the path. I'm closer, but nothing final.

I tried to tell myself something else is needed, there, but that just doesn't work in my mind, yet. I don't know if it will. I may be trying to force something through that just isn't workable. I've done that before and it's taken me weeks to finally get to where I accepted it. I can get so very stubborn when it comes to my initial ideas for a story. Sometimes that's good but other times it's not. I can't tell which is which, yet, not till I've worn myself down past the stubbornness.

Early night, tonight. I'm off to NYC for the day, which has been made harder because my plans for a ride to the job from JFK were scuttled. Same for returning to JFK. I'll have to subway it into Manhattan and then bus it to the warehouse, in Jamaica. Irritating but rather typical.

I have to admit, I'm surprised Doug Jones won the Senate race in Alabama. And considering 3/4 of white men and 2/3 of white women voted for that racist, homophobic child molester in place of him, it's really amazing. Seems black women put him over the top. Small wonder Roy Moore's demanding a recount. Alabama went out of its way to suppress the minority vote...but they screwed it up and don't like to admit that.

People are touting this as America's repudiation of the GOP, ignoring the hideous statistics. If things go as they normally do, the DNC and DCCC will proceed to shrug off black women's voices and proclaim themselves to be the saviors of American democracy, despite all evidence to the contrary. Hell, they're still blaming Bernie for Hillary's loss, even though there were more than a dozen other factors in her crash and burn.

But never let the truth get in the way of a good fantasy.

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