A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Polishing up the first draft...

I've started going over the first draft of UG just to clarify some parts and make sure things are consistent before I print it up and do a red pen draft. I know I made changes later in the book that aren't supported earlier, and it's easier to work that up now than to mess it up with unnecessary notes.

I also watched an episode of Vera to make sure I was getting what little I do with police procedure right, in the UK. I should have gone to Prime Suspect, not because Vera was bad but because Britbox did the irritating thing of leaving the commercial titles on the video and for a short period the streaming was interrupted. I'm done with them.

I thought of shifting to FilmStruck to watch movies because they've got lots of classics and are working with Criterion, if I understand their spiel right. But 3 out of the 4 movies I checked on weren't available through them...things like Come Back, Little Sheba and La Dolce Vita. I'm not spending $11.00 a month and not getting everything I want.

Anyway, another reason I do a printout of my writing to make corrections is so I have a physical copy where I can make notes of things to add, not just put them in a folder and reread them and try to remember where that is in the file. I separate each chapter with a divider, just like in high school, and bounce around that way.

This is how I worked A65 and how I started working APoS. I'll go through this draft, input the changes and print it up, again, then set it aside and work on getting a first draft of APoS done. My goal is to have that one set up for rewriting by the end of the year. UG I'm aiming to publish around Thanksgiving.

I set goals...can't say I don't that...

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