A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Odds and ends...

I was trying to finish The Beast Dines Out before I headed off on these two jobs, but that ain't gonna happen. The story keeps rolling along. It's up to 80K in wordage, now, and just when I think it's winding down, it shoots off on another tangent. I know it won't continue forever...but still...

While the feedback off GayDemon has been very positive, I have been told a couple of times that in some of my other books my endings came across as rushed. Which could be true. Once I reach a certain stage in the story, I just want it finished.

But this time I'm refusing to let myself fall into that trap. That it's for a book that's closer to gay porn than anything I've ever written...and I don't care how some people classify other parts of my work...I find it amazing that it's working out.

I never had a plan or outline for this story. Just the main character, Dirc, and the extraterrestrial he calls the Beast, and their basic setup--provide men as sustenance. All others came along when the story wanted them.

After all, the idea of ETs using us as food is nothing new. H G Wells suggested as much in The War of the Worlds, and The Twilight Zone had one episode called To Serve Man. Oh, and let's not forget The Little Shop of Horrors and The Day of the Triffids...yummy people.

So...the story will be done when it's done, and I will not cut it short. Nor will I back down from the reality of Dirc really being a rapist and killer, and not caring about that. Same for his lover, Irin. Maybe it's a comment on how casual so many people in power are about the lives of women, so I'm showing how it can be with men. I dunno. That's just the way the story is going.

Life in the big city.

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