Morriggan's child arrives and takes after Caoimhín’s dark looks. The Dagda realizes and now can throw her own infidelity in her face, which pisses her off more. She refuses to accept the girl, but the Dagda won’t let her give her away. Considers taking her to the Ui Briuins. That makes Morriggan relent and act like she cares for the child.
But then she casts runes and learns her daughter and Caera’s son will wed and bear a son, who will bear a son...and their blood will be cursed till the death of the last Ui Briuin.
Morriggan calls her adult daughters. This prophecy cannot be allowed to occur, so they cast runes to find Caera. Their plan? To kill her and the boy.
Caera is gathering reeds and is separated from other women when she is surrounded by a mist. 4 figures appear -- 3 of them Morrigan’s daughters...and then Morriggan drifts up and cuts Caera’s throat.
Baby’s back in the compound, safe.
Caoimhín is en-route back with kill when hears of Caera’s murder. He is beside himself with grief. At first, he is accused but has alibi; hunting with brother and father. Witnesses tells of the mist surrounding Caera for a moment. Caoimhín’s father says, “That’s how the Tuatha de Danann came to island.”
Caoimhín, father and men go to Tara and confront The Dagda, who is shocked. “She had my son?” Morriggan is furious that he knows. “So what if the child was a boy?” The Dagda realizes what Morriggan has done and tells her, “If you touch him, you are dead.”
She reminds him he coerced a mere woman into sex. Not exactly innocent. The Dagda acknowledges he did wrong and renounces Morriggan as his wife. He walks across Ireland to the Cliffs of Moher, as penance, then washes his sins away in the waters far below.
Morriggan snarls about the hypocrisy of men and their attitude towards women. With the help of her daughters, she forms The Dagda’s sins into 7 harpies, forbids them to ever harm a female, and sets them loose on the land to kill every male child they find (hoping to get Caera’s boy).
Slaughters occur. Caoimhín and his father build an army to fight the creatures. They manage to kill three of them, but at great cost. Even Morriggan is horrified by what she has started, but the harpies cannot be controlled by her. They're viciously upset at her cold birthing of them and snarl, “Why no man for us? Why only loneliness?” Plan to keep killing.
Morriggan joins with The Dagda to force a compromise by helping to kill another harpy. This finally convinces the creatures to back down or they will be annihilated. They agree to live in the caves of the Cliffs, safe from men, and come out only during storms to feed on fish in the sea.
But as an inducement, every hundred years a young man of the Ui Briuin bloodline is to be offered in sacrifice to them. Morriggan finally realizes her actions have made certain the prophecy is fulfilled...and she is devastated by it.
This section of the story ends with a replay of first scene, this time from Caoimhín's POV as he offers himself up as the first sacrifice.