A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Head hurt but feel good...

Because I've got the third section of POS restructured in a way that I feel works. It fits together and the rhythm is back, and Brendan and I can see what needs to be done in the way of linkage. I wound up chucking everything I'd done over the last week -- YouTube dissing me gave me the idea, so I guess that wasn't a total loss -- and went back to reworking it step by step...and dropped the bits that were too Hollywood and let the logic of the story lead me straight to a point where it sets up my initial ending beautifully. Ah, the joy of writing.

I'm heading back to the first section, now, and starting the fill-in process from the beginning. I have a lot of Brendan's childhood and youth to detail, still, but I have ideas on those, again, and figure I'll just fake what I don't know. I can always correct it later.

Here's something that helped me along, muse-wise.This picture is from around 1970 and I think is on a cricket pitch behind the Creegan Estates, just as relations were beginning to sour between the British troops and the Catholic population.

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