A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rough few days...

Did a quick trip to middle Pennsylvania to pick up some archives, and wound up running up and down nearly 50 steps to do it. (I should note, I had help doing this so only had to run them steps half as many times as I would have, alone.) Then I flew to Hong Kong on Thursday, arrived Friday night, didn't get to my hotel till 10pm because the shuttle was caught in traffic, then today met with the fair organizer and arranged for pickup to be made for 5pm, tomorrow. Then I went to Ngong Ping, again, just to ride the cable-car up.
I took the Crystal Car, this time. More expensive, but fun.
This is the Dragon General Pajra, from the Chinese Zodiac. You can just see the giant Buddha peeking over the trees.
I didn't climb the steps to the Buddha, this time. I did that the last time i was here and have no interest in repeating everything. I'm already too tired from the time change and it being early in the morning, for me.

I've gotten no writing done and it's been days since I kept up the blog. Not that I have anything new to say. Hong Kong is one of those places where you only really need to go once. It's not a cheap place, and it's hard to find restaurants that will take Visa or American Express.

It's also hard to find decent food. Maybe the chicken's great, but I don't eat chicken so my focus is beef...and they've got the crappiest in the world. I've had two full meals and both times there was so much fat on the meat, it was almost non-existent. My one good meal was at MacDonald's. I think I'll do Subway, tomorrow.

At least the weather's been good.


MAC said...

Poor Baby, jet setting around the world! ;-)

Just repeat 3 times,"There's no place like home."


JamTheCat said...

Yeah, I needed some cheese with my whine...