A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cleveland town...

I've never actually been there, but today I took a drive down to pick up my awards from The Indie Gathering.

All three are for Return to Darian's Point. As I understand it, the statue is for Best Horror Script, the plaque is for Best Feature Script, and the certificate is to verify it. I'll pop it into a frame when I get back from DC and put it on the wall. Verification that my work is likable.

I got to town a bit early so looked around the waterfront. Cleveland's building a new stadium for the Browns or the Indians or both, which didn't even begin to interest me. I think it's pathetic that billion dollar companies insist cities, counties and states give them hundreds of millions in tax breaks and funding so they'll build a place for their teams to play a couple times a year.

That's why LA doesn't have a football team -- the city and county told the NFL, "Fine, you want a team here with a new stadium, we're happy to have it. But you'll have to build it without taxpayer dollars." And the NFL tossed a fit and spit and moaned...and after fifteen years there is still no football team in the nation's second largest market. I don't care if they ever get one.

But the lakefront does have a couple of museums -- for Rock & Roll History and Science -- and a nice park and some boat rides, so it's a pleasant space. Very open.

The wind was brisk and Lake Erie was whipped up with whitecaps, none of which came out good in my photos, but the lake freighter was impressive, up close.

I drove on to my appointment...and saw the inner city looks like the rust belt is still intact. Much like sections of Buffalo. Rather sad. Coming back, I drove over the Cuyahoga River.

Randy Newman's song continues to resonate...


MAC said...

CONGRATS! Well deserved, my friend!

JamTheCat said...

Thank you!