A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Family stuff of my own...

My youngest brother, Kelly, just moved into a new apartment from a cheesy little trailer on the east side of San Antonio. It's a lot better than where he was, right next to a Target and WalMart. He's getting financial assistance from the city for his rent, too. That's taken a few phone calls and back and forth with him as well as my nephew, who's the one really getting things done. Me being 1600 miles away is rather limiting.

Still, it takes focus away from what I'm doing here. My hope is this will be nicely settled by the end of the week and I can be easy, again. He's never been the easiest person to get to do things for himself. He needs a steady push, but careful so he doesn't get to feel like he's being treated like a child. 

In a bookend situation that only seems to happen in novels, Kelly and I were born with health issues, some pretty severe. I managed to grow out of mine enough to function like a normal person, though I do sometimes think I'm an undiagnosed dyslexic who's worked out how to cope with it on my own. Not easily, and I still take longer to write because I keep reversing letter and numbers and leaving out entire words...but I recognize it as I go and do what I can to correct it, then.

Anyway, I'm my mother's first child and Kelly is her last, while my middle brother and sister were born fine. Developed normally. None of the quirks Kelly and I have. He turned out to be wired up different from the rest of us but functioned well-enough. He's always had minimum wage jobs in grocery stores and convenience stores and apartment maintenance but they've done fine for him. However, now he's older and his abilities have deteriorated while his cognitive processes have become limited, so he doesn't have what people want to hire, anymore.

At least he's going to get early Social Security when he hits 62, this coming January, and maybe Medicade. Which will take a huge financial burden off me, finally. I've been his main source of income for the last ten years...and it's been rough. But he never had to worry about living on the street, thanks to additional help from my sister.

So tomorrow I go back to APoS and Brendan's march to his destiny.

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