A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The fates intervene...

It was decided, today, by the powers that be, I was going to get nothing done because my laptop decided to start doing some very weird things. It kept dinging at me and the screen would fade slightly then come back and posts I'd made days ago were suddenly showing up, again. So I properly freaked out and backed up everything I could then shut the thing down and went to the Mac Store at Walden Galleria to look into how much a new one would cost if I needed one.


Just a Mac Mini with a keyboard and mouse would be $1100.00, and that's without a mac monitor. Those damn things would have doubled the price, at best. I looked at the ipad setups and none of them felt comfortable, but a new MacBook Pro that I could accept would kick me up to $2000. Shit. I can't afford any of that.

If all I needed to do was writing in Word, I could do that on my old MacBook, but it's too old for current WiFi. I have an old ipad but never got comfortable with it. I finally gave up and came home to do further investigation, if I could. And figure out how much I'd have to pay to upgrade my PhotoShop and Word, since you can no longer buy them outright.

Fortunately, when I fired up the laptop, it was back to normal and an update was due. I cleaned it with Clean my Mac and did the update and it's been working fine, the last hour or so. But it spooked me. Reality is, I could afford the Mac Mini with an after-market monitor. It would just mean digging into my savings. I'd really rather not, just yet. Not till everything's settled with my brother.

Long story short, today was shot. BUT...if anything does go wrong, I'm totally backed up on a thumb drive.

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