A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

LD taking time

I did a lot of running around, today, then spent the evening trying to clarify and clean up my books on Shelfari, which is linked to Amazon. They do NOT make it easy and get snotty if you don't do things exactly right. Somehow "Bobby Carapisi, volumes 1 & 2" got combined in the system, which is not correct, and they want me to correct it. But I don't know how it happened nor do I have any idea how to correct it. Their system keeps showing 1&2 as being the same book with different covers. It's all so weird.

Anyway, I also updated my Authors Page on Amazon, and can now see that LD has started selling. I don't know figures -- Amazon has that weird "ranking" system that corresponds with sales...except when it doesn't -- but I've seen a couple of spikes supposedly indicating sale. And that's just in Kindle.

I got my hair cut at an interesting place in downtown Buffalo, today, and can see how I might like living in that area. It's all pretty post-industrial but some of the buildings are flat out beautiful. There's also a theater just around the corner from the place that has lectures and shows old movies on Tuesday nights. One big problem is, no grocery store anywhere that I can see. But if I was to stay in Buffalo, it's a thought.

I bought clothes at JC Penney's in support of Ellen and against those idiots calling for a boycott because she's the company's new spokesperson. I got two words in response to that crap -- fuck you.

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