A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Color changes everything...

I worked on getting Adam's pose set for the cover and got reminded that just because something looks good in outline, once you add color it all changes. A leg that was just the way I wanted it suddenly became fat and bloated. And him grabbing a branch while reaching for another became comical in the wrong way...as did making him a bit pigeon-toed.

Of course, reality is it's been years and years since I've done a full figure in color. I've done faces and torsos, but I think the last full frame person I sketched or painted in color was decades ago, and that was in acrylics, not pencil. So I'm relearning things I used to know. I'd share the image but it's too big for my scanner and the lighting would throw everything off in a photo.

At least it's opening up new possibilities in composition and medium. I'm pretty sure some of the ideas I had won't work because they'll wind up being too busy for the cover. But others are maybes...including one done in pen and India ink...

Still no word back from the Brits, regarding A65. I guess that means they didn't like the book and are trying to find some nice way of letting me know. Oh well, it's good to know now and not later.

I keep telling myself.

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