A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Aimless...and pissy...

Once again. Now that I'm done with a draft of a story it takes me a little while to return to the real world. I get grumpy and sad and don't know what to do with myself, and the last couple days have been emblematic of that.

And silly. I got into a ridiculous argument in a Facebook private group I belong to, over objectification of men. This is what I posted, with the heading:   Some guys are just as sexy dressed, as not.

Another member posted this, "Ah the comments, proving yet again that gay men are the exact same as straight men, they just objectify their own sex rather than the opposite."

I thought he was joking, so I replied, "I “resemble” that remark. (Was it Groucho Marx who first said that?)" Thought he'd find it funny, or cute.

He didn't.

He responded, "I mean, if a person is only attractive to you without clothes, you probably don't deserve to spend any time with that person, as you are probably a shallow git, who is only interested in people for whatever sexual pleasure they can give you."

Well...it went downhill from there. All over nothing. It really was ridiculous...and I'm ridiculous for being upset about it. But I am. Kind of stupid, too.

But I'm in a delicate mood. I got bummed when I went out to get some groceries and couldn't find any Dr Pepper Zero on special. Now I'm upset because I made a chocolate pie (from a non-fat pudding mix) with a graham cracker crust (pre-made by Keebler) and just had a slice...and didn't like it.

I'd like to say I'm not always like this, but I know better than to make that claim.

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