A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit...

I've slammed into a brick wall. Brendan's Uncle Sean is forcing him into returning to live in the pool house behind their home--and suddenly I can't figure out why. There was some bullshit about being able to keep an eye on him and get papers together to make him legal in the US and the republic of Ireland and keep an eye on him...but why does he need to be there for that to work?

He still has his motorbike so can run around. He'd be working back at the bar he was banned from. The Feds have come looking for him at his Aunt's home, so if he's there when they come, again, it could all explode. He's already had a fight with his uncle over threats to send him back to the North to be killed. Why would this be necessary?

I know why he agrees to it; Uncle Sean threatens to target Rhuari for the UDA by letting them know his brother may have helped in that bombing. That is really harsh and I need a good reason for him to be that demanding. He's involved with NORAID and collects donations at his bars for them. If he helps Protestants kill a Catholic, that would make him a pariah. Which Brendan knows. So there has to be a good reason for this...and I'm lost.

It can't just be to make his aunt happy. It can't just happen because it needs to happen for the story to continue. And I can't keep ignoring how I've all but ignored this part of the story and just let it remain as is. Like a rickety bridge. I need a reason.

What's funny is, even Brendan is blank as to why.


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