A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


The job in Colorado is no longer for me. We're just having boxes of books collected, crated and shipped. Too bad; it was going to be up in the Rockies, deeper in than I've ever been.

A job in Los Gatos, CA is looking more real, as is. potential job in Sacramento. On the latter one, I'm wondering if it's a possible job we were approached about at the beginning of February but never got the information we needed to work up a price. Guess we'll find out.

I'm through chapter 31 of APoS-NWFO and took out a section that just felt gratuitous. Where Everett talks Brendan into letting him service him. I was being self indulgent and Everett was doing it to get something specific...and it was just wrong. But I now have Jeremy back from Hong Kong, so he, Brendan and Everett are back together as close buddies.

One more positive about changes made is they bring Everett and Brendan closer together as friends. Brendan sees his aunt's house as a prison, now, and being at Everett's place is like a respite from that. He's even given a room where he can continue fixing things to sell.

Going by the page count on the Word doc, I only have 45 more pages left, and three more chapters. They're going to be expanded, because some important things happen here and I don't want it rushed. That'll put me up over 145K but the book will be as long as it must be to tell the story.

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