A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home

A Place of Safety-Derry/New World For Old/Home Not Home
All three volumes are available in hardcover and ebook!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

I took a walk...

Just from my apartment to Walgreens and to get a haircut at Supercuts. 1.4 miles round trip. It's been a while since I've done that, but it was a nice cool day and I've found walking helps me think. It also makes my left knee ache. I hate getting old.

I'm feeling better about the direction APoS-New World For Old is taking. Brendan is willing to wait and see if Uncle Sean will do what he said he would, but he feels something like a prisoner. Like Rochester's Island wife in Jane Eyre. He's back in the attic bedroom, but has also made some friends, with whom he feels comfortable. So his life coasts for a while, aimless...until his mother is diagnosed with cancer.

That is something he has to be told about, and react to. As much animosity as there is between them, she is still the woman who raised him. So his confusion increases. He cannot contact her without revealing who he is, meaning he's reliant on his aunt and sister for information. It sends him crashing into a seriously rebellious punk mode, for a while, till he reconnects with his balance.

I spent part of the day dealing with two potential packing jobs in Baltimore and Sacramento. Can't do any estimation of costs till I get some more information from the people who contacted us, but both seem fairly straightforward.

It also seems like the China in Print Book Fair will be happening in December (6th-8th), but it's now called Firsts Hong Kong. I may be doing that, again, since I did both the move-in and move-out for several years before things went crazy, in 2017. It's being run by some new people so we'll see what happens.

This photo is from my last trip...2016. The book fair took place in the low building to the left of the ferris wheel, with the turquoise roof. I wouldn't mind seeing Hong Kong one more time. 

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